How to Journal Everyday – Build a Hobonichi Habit

I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I’ve embarked on this journaling adventure with my Hobonichi. Every single page of my A6 English Planner was filled to the brim with doodles and writing. I couldn’t be happier.

How does she do it? 

Many of you might wonder how much time I spend each day journaling? How do I go about writing in each page and fitting in illustrations? In this post I’ll be breaking down my journaling process for you, and hopefuly it’ll be a motivation for you to start writing in your Hobonichi today!


The size of the Hobonichi Techo may seem small (A6), but on days when you don’t have the time or motivation to write, that gridded space could be pretty daunting. This realization is more apparent this year since I’ve switched to the A5 Cousin size Hobonichi. Moreover, I’ve challenged myself to make time and journal in those pages EVERY SINGLE DAY, because I know how lazy impulses can turn into two days or even weeks very fast. With the larger space of the Cousin, I would feel more guilty if I have to flip through blank pages. Then again, I don’t want to turn this into an assignment. Journaling is fun! This is definitely a time I look forward each day to play with my ‘toys’ (stationery, art supplies). The most important thing is to enjoy the journaling process and eventually it’ll become a habit.

Journaling is a time of reflection and enjoyment. It’s not a timed task where you’re rushing toward the deadline. 


Step 1: Setting up your journaling space

There’s a Chinese proverb that says: A workman must first sharpen his tools if he wishes to do his work well. I guess this speaks dearly to all of us stationery addicts’ heart (turns to look at my hoard of stationery items). You’ve bought all those stickers and pens and decorative washi tapes over the holiday, now put them to use!

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Hobonichi Flip through 2015 December

今年開始使用的是1101 Hobonichi的A5手帳分冊版,跟去年的A6比起來空間大好多~ 終於可以很盡情的大玩紙膠帶以及手繪!當然,消耗墨水的機會也在這極大的書寫空間 😀

Here’s a review of my first month in the Hobonichi A5 Cousin! 



聖誕節就是要畫耶誕紅啦! 這次顏色下手很重,效果很棒~但是顏料抓皺紙張的悲劇也更明顯…

在台灣的朋友送給我一套企鵝的貼紙~ 好像是在台中一個以企鵝為主題的畫展所購得,整張貼紙的企鵝系列太可愛了,怎麼能不拿來用光光?

我和朋友在耶誕市集買了一些應景的小盆栽,但我才養他不到兩星期,竟然就乾枯死亡QQ (美國太乾了啦!) (絕對不是自己的錯…)

我很喜歡Unmistakable Creative他們所提出的 15 principles for living a creative life. 其中三項真的很貼切: It’s about showing up when you don’t feel like it. It’s about showing up when you’re uninspired. It’s about staying in something so far past where the average person would quit. 很多時候容易覺得這件事很煩躁就放棄他,雖然他們都是達成目標所必經的過程!





小狗團 (已融化


終於實現在戶外溜冰的體驗了~ 尤其是當黃昏接近,一個人在冰上刷刷刷的成就感


就像去首爾街頭要找卡拉OK加菲貓,來到波士頓一定要現場聽一下Keytar Bear的街頭演奏!






我的朋友是福星,因為我們竟然抽到了中獎機率超低的Broadway Lottery Ticket~ Kinky Boots真的很好看!


天阿~新年快樂!2015就這樣結束了! 畫下完美句點的那一刻我們正在Mckittrick Hotel與Sleep No More的劇組在舞池裡狂歡!

